Cops pin down one-legged man after mistaking crutches for weapon

Footage of police holding down a one-legged man on a street corner, after mistaking his crutches for weapons, has recently come to light.

Witnesses state the San Francisco officers had responded to a call about someone waving sticks downtown.

The "weapons" ended up being crutches that an unidentified homeless man used to walk.

The takedown occurred earlier this month and included at least fourteen officers, according to Chaédria LaBouvier, a journalist who saw and filmed the incident.

Police spoke to the man, before taking away his crutches and taking him down to the street, at one point kneeling on his prosthetic leg to restrain him.

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LaBouvier states the man was half-naked, with his pants slipping down, and that he repeatedly asked the cops, "what are you doing this for?"

"That s*** hurts," the man is heard saying in the video, "I have a f***ing sore, an infection, on my leg."

Witnesses say the man was held down for at least 30 minutes as officers created a "blue wall," standing around the detainment in an effort to keep people back from the police activity.

The pinned man continued, "what the f*** is wrong with you? Is this what you do? Is this respectable? When I say 'no', is this what you do to me?"

According to LaBouvier, medics then took the man to the hospital against his will.

Police did not arrest or charge the man with a crime.

San Francisco Police have not commented on the incident at this time.

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