Police said Travis Archer beat his 9-month-old puppy so bad, he broke the dog's teeth, fractured its ribs and punctured its lung.
In April 2017, the Ponce Inlet Police Department said it responded to a possible animal complaint.
Police said Archer answered the door and led police to the backyard, where they found the body of his dog, Ponce.
Archer told police that when he came home the house was a mess and he attempted to discipline Ponce after the dog bit his hand.
Police said Archer told them he threw the dog against the house and a fence. Ponce suffered massive physical trauma and died of his injuries.
"He would have pain with every breath he took, and he would also have difficulty breathing. So, you're unable to oxygenate when you have pneumothorax so that was cause distress and for him to take even more breaths all of which would be painful," said Rachel Truroo, a veterinarian.
Over 100,000 people signed a petition encouraging the Florida Legislature to pass "Ponce's Law."
The law, which took effect Oct. 1, 2018, increased the number of sentencing guidelines providing a greater chance of a prison term. The law also imposes a lifetime ban on owning a pet, officials said.
#breaking judge sentences Archer to 365 days in jail with two days credit for time served(max sentence) also must attend anger management. Judge says this sentence is not to appease a mob but comes after many sleepless night. He also can never own a pet again https://t.co/dgU3Mq1laJ
— Mike Springer WFTV (@mspringerwftv) November 27, 2019
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