"The Handmaid's Tale" -- based on the Margaret Atwood novel of the same name -- is set in a dystopian near-future and tells the story of a woman forced into sexual servitude under a totalitarian regime. The series debuted on Hulu in 2017 and has since earned a slew of accolades, including the 2017 Emmy Award for lead actress, Elisabeth Moss, and supporting actress, Ann Dowd.
You did this, Resistors. Praise be. 🙌 Season 4 of The #HandmaidsTale is happening! pic.twitter.com/uQfKEGE9cW
— The Handmaid's Tale (@HandmaidsOnHulu) July 26, 2019
In recent years, "The Handmaid's Tale" costumes have become a symbol of women's rights as they've been incorporated into protests against state legislation banning abortion, Deadline reported.
New episodes of "The Handmaid's Tale" stream each Wednesday on Hulu. Three episodes currently remain of the show's third season.