"National Treasure," released in 2004, starred Nicolas Cage an amateur cryptologist Benjamin Franklin Gates. The movie pulled in $247 million worldwide for Disney, Variety reported. The cast, including Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha, Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel and Armando Riesc, returned for the 2007 sequel, "National Treasure: Book of Secrets."
What should Nicolas Cage steal in National Treasure 3? 📜 pic.twitter.com/sO96dMhbuo
— Screen Junkies (@screenjunkies) January 17, 2020
That film made $457 worldwide, Variety reported.
The sequel ended with the characters looking at "Page 47” of a secret book owned by the president of the United States, but no explanation was given.
Jerry Bruckheimer is reportedly producing the upcoming film, People reported. Jon Turtletaub directed the first two films.
A Disney spokesman did not respond to the magazine’s request for comment.
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