State of the Union: Democratic women cheer, chant 'USA' in rare bipartisan moment

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Apparently, there is something both parties can agree on.

Democratic congresswomen, wearing white as a tribute to the suffragette movement, sat stoically through much of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday night. But his comments about women in the work force led to a striking moment of unity.

"No one has benefited more from our thriving economy than women, who have filled 58 percent of the new jobs created in the last year," Trump said, ultimately drawing cheers and applause from the congresswomen.

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"You weren't supposed to do that," he quipped, adding: "Don’t sit yet. You're going to like this. And exactly one century after Congress passed the Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in Congress than at any time before."

The Democratic congresswomen again cheered, with many standing and shouting, "USA!"

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