Texas woman searching for kind strangers who helped daughter through seizure

Five people helped save the life of a 4-year-old girl who was having a seizure this week, and now the girl's mother wants to find and thank the good Samaritans.

Credit: Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Credit: Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Five people helped save the life of a 4-year-old girl who was having a seizure this week, and now the girl's mother wants to find and thank the good Samaritans.

Five people helped save the life of a 4-year-old girl who was having a seizure this week, and now the girl's mother wants to find and thank the good Samaritans.

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Shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday, Tina Byrd pulled into the parking lot of an Abilene, Texas, Target, frantic because her daughter, Heidi, "didn't look right," Byrd told KTXS-TV. Byrd pulled Heidi out of the car and placed her in a shaded area while her 13-year-old daughter called 911.

Heidi then began having a seizure, Byrd said.

While Heidi was in distress, a group of four women and one man stopped to help Byrd.

"You would not have thought they were strangers. You would have thought they have known this baby and loved her her whole life," Byrd told KTAB-TV. "They grabbed her hands and they were talking to her. And they were comforting her and comforting me."

Paramedics arrived and took Heidi to a hospital, where she was treated and released that night. Byrd never got to thank the good Samaritans.

Now, Byrd is trying to identify the kind strangers so she can meet and thank them. She made a Facebook post Wednesday evening asking for help.

"I didn't get to thank these people. I didn't get their names. I only got a small glimpse of their kind, servants' heart and well ... That's not enough for me," Byrd wrote. "So if you know of who these people were or if you're one of them and are reading this, please reach out to me. Y'all helped save my little girls life today and I owe y'all so much more than a measly Facebook acknowledgement."

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