The City of Renton said it's now getting federal help to coordinate the capture of the turtles that have so far evaded animal control officers. Police have fielded calls from concerned people in the community as pictures spread on social media.
Pacific Northwest Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League Miri Cypers called the swastikas tagged on the turtles troubling and unfortunate, "even though it appears it may have been painted in the wrong direction."
"What's going on?" said Aaron Greene, who saw the tagged turtles while watching Wednesday's sunset. "It's very bizarre."
No luck in catching, cleaning Gene Coulon Park turtles tagged with swastika symbol
— Michael Spears (@MichaelKIRO7) November 7, 2019
Once captured, the city said the turtles, that have been painted with the symbols for more than a month, would be cleaned and given a checkup.
A "Rally Against Hate" is now planned for 1 p.m. Saturday at the park.
"Many of us are upset to see this in our own backyard," said organizer Chad Cashman-Crane.
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