Watch: Texas police pursue 2 zebras in wild chase

Members of the New Braunfels Police Department pursued a zebra that had gotten loose Wednesday afternoon.

Credit: New Braunfels Police Department

Credit: New Braunfels Police Department

Members of the New Braunfels Police Department pursued a zebra that had gotten loose Wednesday afternoon.

Police officers in a Texas city certainly earned their stripes Wednesday.

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After corraling a loose zebra in a residential area, New Braunfels police discovered there was a second animal on the run, KSAT-TV reported. The animals escaped from a ranch near the Guadalupe River, according to KTSA. The property was fenced on all sides except the area by the river, and the zebras apparently got free by swimming across the water, the radio station reported.

The first wayward zebra was spotted Wednesday afternoon, according to the New Braunfels Police Department. After a spirited chase, the animal was tranquilized and returned to its owner, KXAN reported.

Reports later surfaced that a second zebra had gotten loose and was wandering through the city, the television station reported. The wayward animal has not been found yet, police said.

If you happen to see the zebra, the police would like your help. Call 830-221-4100.

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