UD reports 6 cases of viral infection on campus

University of Dayton.

University of Dayton.

The University of Dayton’s health center has found six cases of hand, foot and mouth disease on campus.

The disease is still active in at least one person, according to an email from the university sent to campus. Hand, foot and mouth disease can cause a sore throat, a low fever, diarrhea and blisters on the hands and feet.

“The University of Dayton often proactively sends similar messages to let our university community know to be vigilant against illnesses, especially when we notice an uptick. The university does not feel there’s any immediate significant concern to the university community,” UD said in a prepared statement.

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The illness can be transmitted through saliva, fecal matter, the air and contact with blisters, according to UD. The disease is only contagious before symptoms develop so quarantine is not recommended.

To prevent the spread of the illness, the university is telling students not to share drinks, utensils, lip balm or e-cigarettes.

Last year, UD announced a mumps outbreak that infected at least three students. Those students were isolated for five days until they were symptom-free and able to return to normal activity, the school reported at the time.


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