Springboro, West Carrollton alter school start plans

Kettering, Miamisburg schools use surveys, public forums to guide reopening

Credit: Jeremy P. Kelley / Staff

Credit: Jeremy P. Kelley / Staff

Springboro and West Carrollton are the latest school districts to adjust the start of their school years amid coronavirus concerns, while other schools are asking parents for more input.

Springboro’s school board on Wednesday moved the first day of classes back from Aug. 26 to a new “phase-in week” Sept. 8-11. Students with last names A-K will attend Sept. 8-9, and those with last names L-Z will attend Sept. 10-11. Then Sept. 14 would be the first day with all students in attendance.

West Carrollton also will do a staggered approach with students attending only one or two days in the first week of school. Students in first, sixth and ninth grades only — those moving to a new school building — will attend their schools on Aug. 24.

The rest of that week will be staggered alphabetically by last name — All students with A-D last names Aug. 25, E-K last names Aug. 26, L-Q last names Aug. 27, and R-Z last names Aug. 28.

Aug. 31 will be the first day with all students in attendance.

“Smaller groups of students throughout the week will allow staff to give greater attention to every child as well as introduce new building routines and expectations,” West Carrollton officials said in a statement.

In both districts, families have a choice between a 100% online model, or an in-person, five-days a week model.

Springboro officials said its fully online model for grades K-5 remains the same, but for grades 6-12, the live-stream of the classroom will no longer be offered.

“Our administration is currently working with teachers and staff on new details for this option, which will be shared with the community, along with an updated Reopening Framework Guide, when finalized,” district officials said.

The current deadline for choosing the fully online model is Aug. 14, but that could be extended depending on when the new online details are finalized.

** Kettering: Kettering schools will hold a forum Aug. 13 to allow residents to speak directly to the school board about their reopening concerns. The event will be in the Fairmont High School Auditorium, but in order to avoid a large group gathering, residents were asked to sign up for specific time slots, so they could come in one at a time.

By Thursday afternoon, all 45 time slots between 6:30 and 10:10 p.m. were full, with 10 more open until 11 p.m. The district will be live-streaming the event on its YouTube channel.

Superintendent Scott Inskeep said the community input will help the district make its final decision on reopening strategy. School board President Jim Ambrose on Tuesday night said the board had already gotten tons of reaction from residents.

“The most important thing is the safety and health of our children, our staff and the community,” Ambrose said. “Our decision for how we’re going to approach the 2020-21 school year is going to be based on that, not on football, not tennis, not band, and not whether a child can or can’t hear with a mask on.”

** Miamisburg: The school board Wednesday released results of a recent survey with almost 2,500 parent responses. Asked which instructional model they preferred to start the year, the vote was 49% fully in-person, 30% fully online and 21% hybrid.

The district’s current plan says parents can choose between five-days-a-week in-person classes or a 100% online model. As of Thursday, approximately 27% of Miamisburg students have chosen to attend remotely, according to district officials.

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