PUCO approves Winter Reconnect Order for Ohioans


An order that helps Ohioans reconnect or maintain electric and natural gas service during the winter season has been approved, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio announced Wednesday.

Any customer of a PUCO-regulated electric or gas company can take advantage of the Winter Reconnect Order, which runs from October 14 through April 15.

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The Winter Reconnect Order is an opportunity for customers to avoid disconnection or to reconnect their gas and/or electric service once during the winter season:

  • Customers must pay the utility no more than $175 plus any applicable re-connection charge which cannot exceed $36. If the company's reconnect charge is more than $36, the balance may be applied to the next bill.
  • Customers seeking to establish new electric or natural gas service, rather than paying the full security deposit that may be required for a new service, customers can pay up to $175 and the balance will be applied to their next bill.
  • There's no income eligibility requirement, but customers who are at or below 175 percent of the federal income guidelines may apply for assistance through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) to pay the $175.

To take advantage of the Order, call your electric or natural gas company to find out how to apply it to your bill.

For more information about the types of programs, visit www.PUCO.ohio.gov or call 800-686-7826.

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