Route 1 - Eastbound trips after Millett Hall will also service Presidential Drive and Center Park University boulevards. Because of this, two stops are added between Center Park and University boulevards and three stops are removed on Colonel Glenn Highway between University and Center Park boulevards.
Route 4 - The westbound weekday trip from the Eastown Hub will depart at 4:53 a.m. instead of 4:56 a.m.
Route 7 - Route changed to service Apple Street between Main and Brown streets with two stops added on Apple Street to service Miami Valley Hospital. The time between Wright Stop Plaza and the Main/Franklin stop was adjusted by 2-6 minutes.
Route 9 - Route from Derby Road and Germantown Pike extended to Westown to create two-way service on weekday nights. The night service times after 6:30 p.m. between Wright Stop Plaza and Main/Franklin stop adjusted.
Route 12 - Several northbound trips departing from Woodman Center on Saturday adjusted by 2-6 minutes. A trip has been added at 3:25 p.m. at Woodman Center and Dorothy Lane on Sunday for passengers boarding on Dorothy Lane and Stroop Road.
Route 16 - The layover stop changed to Feedwire Road at Costco and the stop at Wendy's removed to improve traffic safety. Service times between Feedwire/Costco and Main/Franklin stops adjusted by 1-5 minutes.
Route 18 - Service time adjusted 1-3 minutes on the 10:50 p.m. trip leaving the 1st/Central stop. Night service times between Wright Stop Plaza and the Main/Franklin stop changed by 1-2 minutes.
Route 22 - Inbound service to the Gateway Shelter after 6:30 p.m. removed due to low ridership and all service rerouted via Wagner Ford to Loop Road northbound to Needmore Road and southbound to Stanley Avenue.
Route 34 - Service times on weekdays adjusted 1-4 minutes between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. for Towne Center to Northwest Transit Center. Due to low ridership, the 10:06 a.m., 11:28 a.m., 12:53 p.m., 2:08 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. service times from Sinclair removed, and a 9:32 p.m. trip added. Service added to Park Center Drive and Webster Street on several trips weekdays and Saturdays to service Innovative Plastic Molders.
Route 43 - Several trips to Delphi removed and several trips to Spectrum Brands at the airport added for new work shifts. Several trips to Proctor & Gamble changed to service new work shifts.
Route 60 - Trips to MetLife removed in both directions. Service times between Austin Landing and Byers Road adjusted by 1-2 minutes.
Route 61 - Service added weekdays at 12:47 p.m. and 2:03 p.m. to the Kroger at Austin Landing.
Route 65 - Route changed to service Sienna Woods via North Main Street. The bus stop at Wentworth Apartments has been removed due to low ridership.
Line-ups (Routes 1, 2, 4, 7-19, X5, 22) - Routes serving Wright Stop Plaza at night after 6:30 p.m. and all day Sunday will now display departure times instead of arrival times. Passengers will need to board buses prior to departure times. Slight time adjustments made.
For more information about the route changes, call RTA at 937-425-8300.
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