Troy superintendent featured on national TV show

Troy schools Superintendent Chris Piper was featured on “Good Morning America” this morning in a back-to-school safety feature about school bus transportation.

Piper talked about the preventative measures Troy schools are taking with bus transportation amid the coronavirus.

“Good Morning America” reported that some district superintendents in the United States are encouraging avoidance of school buses altogether.

“If parents have the ability to transport their children to school, we ask them to do so,” Piper said.

Many local schools, like Troy, are following CDC recommended guidelines for busing, which requires distance between children “when possible.”

New restrictions like students skipping rows of seating, bus drivers logging sanitation, keeping windows open and more are being implemented on school buses in the area.

For some families with working parents, driving their kids to school is not possible, leaving the bus as some students’ only mode of transportation to school.

In many districts, sections of their reopening plans are dedicated to transportation protocol. Common requests by the districts include taking the student’s temperature before entrance on the bus and requiring students to apply hand sanitizer before taking their seat.

In Troy’s reopening plan, they strongly encourage parents to bring their kids to school but note the service will still be offered to students. Masks are required on the bus for grades 3-12 and strongly recommended for grades K-2.

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