For six local school districts, it was their second straight Momentum Award — Miamisburg, Northmont, Miami East, Celina, Lakota, plus Northeastern in Clark County. Districts winning their first award were Brookville, Piqua, Mechanicsburg, Triad and Clark County’s Northwestern.
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“These districts and schools are doing a wonderful job providing students with the tools to succeed — and their students are rising to the challenge,” said State Board of Education President Tess Elshoff. “The State Board of Education is proud to recognize these students, teachers, administrators and parents for their accomplishments.”
The Beavercreek and Dayton districts each had four individual schools win Momentum Awards – Coy, Ankeney, Trebein and Fairbrook in Beavercreek; and Cleveland, Edison, Horace Mann and Kemp in Dayton.
Lakota Local Schools had six schools honored, including both high schools and Lakota Plains Junior High. Other districts with multiple schools honored were West Carrollton (Russell and Schnell), Springfield (Hayward, Snowhill and Warder Park-Wayne), Miami East (high school and middle school), and Northeastern (South Vienna and Northridge).
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Twenty-three other school districts had one school win a Momentum Award — Brookville Intermediate, Miamisburg Middle, Northmont HS, Valley View Intermediate, Vandalia Smith Middle, Piqua Central Intermediate, Celina Middle School, Marion Local Elementary, Arcanum-Butler Middle, Greenville Junior High, Eaton’s Bruce Elementary, Franklin’s Schenck Elementary, Springboro Intermediate, Little Miami HS, Mason Intermediate, Madison Elementary near Middletown, Monroe Elementary, Ross Middle, Fairfield Freshman School, Mechanicsburg Middle, Triad Middle, Southeastern Junior High and Northwestern Junior/Senior High.
Klepinger Community School was the only local charter school to win a Momentum Award.
RELATED: Dayton report card rises slightly after state fix
** The State school board also gave out its All-A Awards Tuesday for districts that received straight A’s on their 2016-2017 Ohio School Report Cards. Only one district in the state (Ottawa Hills near Toledo) and four individual schools in northern Ohio won the awards.
Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, the State Board of Education will recognize any school or district that earns an A on its report card overall component score.
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