Watch: Stop sign bursts into flames when hit by power line

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

A falling power line caused a stop sign to burst into flames in a Florida neighborhood Sunday night, according to Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue.

The department sent out a tweet with a video and asked, “Ever wonder what happens when an energized power line falls on a stop sign? Tonight Engine 8 responded to this exact call and it was electrifying!!”

The video shows smoke and flames on the stop sign, which was located at the intersection of N.W. 10th Terrace and N.W. 8th Street in Fort Lauderdale.

Residents in the area suffered a power outage until Florida Power & Light could "rectify the situation," Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue said in another tweet.

According to the department, the incident caused storm water drains in the area to boil for a few moments and steam rose from manhole covers until the utility company could turn off the power in the area.

There were no injuries.

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