LEHMAN, Michael Jay
A lifelong resident of Middletown, entered his heavenly home on September 1, 2022, at age 68 after living with appendiceal cancer for 7 years to the amazement and wonder of his entire medical team and community. Mike was a beloved husband to Joyce (nee Berte) Lehman for 40 years, father to his pride and joy, Katie Lehman (37) and Robb Lehman (35), co-Buckeye fan along with his brother Jerry (Linda) Lehman, Jr. and dear son of the late Robert Jerome "Jerry" Lehman Sr. and Margaret (nee Schmitt) Lehman. Throughout his life, Mike was faithful to and consistent in his faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior and lived out his faith in dedicated behind the scenes service at the church of his youth, Messiah Lutheran, Middletown, OH, and of the last decades at Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Cincinnati, OH, alongside his life partner, Joyce. Those who knew Mike respected him for his hard work, compassion, detail and faith. He loved WWII planes and history, tennis, kayaking, The OSU Buckeyes and card games until the day he died. Mike worked a loyal 40 year career at (Armco) AK Steel following in a line of family in the industry. The majority of his years were in Human Resources where he recruited many still at the company today. A visitation will be held Friday, September 9, 2022, from 4:00PM -7:00PM and Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 11:00AM-NOON at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 11981 Pippin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio, with a memorial service and celebration of life to follow at church on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 12:15PM followed by a luncheon. WWW.BAKERSTEVENSPARRAMORE.COM
LEHMAN, Michael