Athlete of the Week: Alex Steele, Preble Shawnee

Alex Steele

Alex Steele

Name: Alex Steele

School: Preble Shawnee

Grade: Senior

Age: 18

Sports: Football, wrestling

Claim to fame/honors: First-team All-SWBL in football as offensive lineman and second-team SWBL in wrestling as a sophomore; competing this season at 285 weight class; honored as defensive player of year and lineman of the year for Arrows; plans to attend Miami University

Bet you didn’t know … I’m a 4.0 student

Words you live by: Pain is temporary, pride is forever

Toughest opponent: Carlisle in football

Biggest influence: My father; he’s always someone I can look up to and go to for advice

Match-day rituals: I usually listen to my warmup play list on my phone

What’s on your bedroom walls? Wrestling medals and a Brett Favre jersey

When I’m bored I like to … play cards

Favorite movie: Forrest Gump

Person who would play you in a movie: Jim Belushi

Favorite TV show: Impractical Jokers

Favorite musical artist: Alan Jackson

I can’t live without: My friends and family

I can live without: Sprints

Event you’d like to attend: Super Bowl

Favorite book: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Favorite home-cooked meal: Egg casserole

Favorite restaurant: Steak and Shake

Favorite smell: Fresh rain

Favorite cereal: Frosted Flakes

Store where you’d like a shopping spree: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Vegetable you won’t eat: Brussels sprouts

I’d love to trade places for a day with … Aaron Rodgers

Whose mind would you like to read? Matt Hopkins, my football coach

Place where you’d love to travel? California

Talent you’d like to have? Juggling

Favorite school subject: History

Favorite athlete: Brett Favre

Favorite team: Green Bay Packers

Favorite Olympic sport: Wrestling

Something in the world I’d like to change: Homelessness

Favorite sports moment: Beating Waynesville my junior year

Favorite junk food: Potato chips

Best thing about football: Being in the locker room after a win

In 10 years, I hope to be … happy with a successful job

Nominate an Athlete of the Week: Send an email to freelance writer Dave Lamb at Please include the athlete’s name, school, sport and a phone number or email address where we can reach that athlete. Please include Athlete of the Week in the subject line.

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