Athlete of the Week: Dominic Calabrese, Beavercreek

Dominic Calabrese

Dominic Calabrese

Name: Dominic Calabrese

School: Beavercreek

Sport: Soccer

Class: Junior

Age: 16

Claim to fame: Soccer

Bet you didn’t know: I used to primarily play football and soccer was a side sport

Toughest opponent/why? Mason because they were a solid team that was hard to break down and get a chance against

Favorite book: The Maze Runner series

Favorite movie: Miracle

Favorite TV show: The Walking Dead

Favorite musical artist/song? Mike Stud/Swish

Favorite pro athlete/why? Cristiano Ronaldo because I love his style of play and see a lot of myself in him

Favorite smell: Freshly cut grass

Favorite home-cooked meal: Chicken with rice and spinach

Game-day rituals: Hang out with my teammates, listen to music and focus on the game

Person who would play me in a movie/why? Cristiano Ronaldo because he looks like me and plays soccer

Words you live by: Be the harder worker on and off the field

Biggest influence/why? My dad because he has supported me so much in my life and motivates me the most

I am most annoyed by: My sister

You can’t live without: Music

Most embarrassing moment: Having my head shaved my sophomore year

In 10 years, I’ll be: Settled down with my family

Best thing about soccer: How emotional it can be and the feeling of winning

Worst thing about soccer: Losing

Vegetable I just won’t eat: Asparagus

Favorite junk food: Chocolate

Favorite school subject: History

Last DVD or video game I bought: FIFA

Person whose brain you’d like to pick: Cristiano Renaldo

Love to trade places for a day with: Cristiano Renaldo

When I’m bored, I like to: Watch Netflix

Worst habit: Constantly moving and twitching

On your bedroom walls: Trophies and soccer posters

Talent I’d most like to have: Dancing

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