Athlete of the Week: Elijah Perkins, Miamisburg

Elijah Perkins

Elijah Perkins

Name: Elijah Perkins

School: Miamisburg High School

Sport: Wrestling

Class: Senior

Age: 17

Claim to fame: My work ethic and wrestling

Bet you didn’t know: I sing

Toughest opponent/why? Myself; if you are able to beat the man in the mirror then you’ve won the battle. Everything starts off mental. So, if you can’t get your mindset right, how will you compete?

Favorite book: Hatchet

Favorite movie: Saving Private Ryan

Favorite TV show: Supernatural

Favorite musical artist/song? Artist: A Day to Remember/Turn Off The Radio

Favorite pro athlete/why? Conor McGregor, he has a good view on what it takes to be a champion.

Favorite smell: Creme Brulee

Favorite home-cooked meal: Chicken and dumplins

Match-day rituals: Weigh-in, then walk around to get my mind right.

Person who would play me in a movie/why? Mark Wahlberg, because he is short and has a good sense of humor.

Words you live by: Everything starts with a mindset

Biggest influence/why? My brother — if not for him I would have never known the sport of wrestling.

I am most annoyed by: When people smack their lips together.

I can’t live without: My dog Bubba

Most embarrassing moment: When my swimming trunks came off in Kings Island waterpark.

In 10 years, I’ll be: Engineering things that people will hopefully be able to use one day.

Best thing about wrestling: Getting your hand raised in front of hundreds of people; it’s the ultimate victory

Worst thing about wrestling: Having to maintain your weight for months.

Vegetable I just won’t eat: Carrots

Favorite junk food: Snowballs

Favorite school subject: Math

Last video game I bought: Dead Rising 4

Person whose brain you’d like to pick: Steve Jobs

Love to trade places for a day with: Adam Richman

When I’m bored, I like to: Play the guitar

Worst habit: Leaving the front door to my house open.

On your bedroom walls: Wrestling awards, a Shawshank Redemption poster, Conor McGregor poster

Talent I’d most like to have: Swallowing swords

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