Athlete of the Week: Nick Coyle, Vandalia-Butler

Nick Coyle

Nick Coyle

Name: Nick Coyle

School: Vandalia-Butler

Grade: Senior

Age: 17

Sports: Earned first-team Greater Western Ohio Conference North honors as a linebacker;

Claim to fame/honors: Earned first-team Greater Western Ohio Conference North and Southwest District honors; three-year varsity linebacker

Words you live by: Toughness, effort, attitude and motivation

Toughest opponent: Troy

Biggest influence: My mom with her personality of always making the best out of things

Game-day rituals: I say a prayer before kickoff

What’s on your bedroom walls: Adrian Peterson Fathead

When I’m bored I like to … play Madden

Favorite movie: The Green Mile

Person who would play you in a movie: Adam Sandler

Favorite TV show: The Office

Favorite musical artist: Gunna

I can’t live without: Pizza

I can live without: Homework

Event you’d like to attend: Super Bowl

Favorite book: Percy Jackson series

Favorite home-cooked meal: Chicken and noodles with mac and cheese

Favorite restaurant: Outback

Favorite smell: Vanilla

Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms

Store where you’d like a shopping spree: Gucci

Vegetable you won’t eat: Beets

I’d love to trade places for a day with … Dwayne Johnson

Whose mind would you like to read? Maddie Mitchell, my girlfriend

Place where you’d love to travel? Bahamas

Talent you’d like to have? Play the guitar

Favorite school subject: Social studies

Favorite athlete: Adrian Peterson

Favorite team: Minnesota Vikings

Favorite Olympic sport: Wrestling

Something in the world I’d like to change: World peace

Favorite junk food: McGriddles

Best thing about football: Hitting people

In 10 years, I hope to be … financially stable

About the Author