Bowling scholarship is a family affair recent Beavercreek grad

Teammates, competitors, supporters and, now scholarship winners, Carson Shroyer has been following in big brother Brent’s shoes for years.

Carson, a 2024 Beavercreek High School graduate, recently received the Greater Dayton United States Bowling Congress Kurt Gostel Scholarship, an award his brother won in 2021. The award — named in honor of the longtime local bowling coach – is presented annually to graduating seniors who contributed to the community and excelled in the classroom and on the lanes. Laila Lambert, of Wayne, was the girls’ scholarship recipient.

“It’s definitely hard growing up with a brother like Brent because there are lots of comparisons,” Carson said. “But he has always been in my corner and my biggest supporter. We’re always there for each other.”

Shroyer, 18, had individual and team success during the 2023-24 season. Before the high school season kicked off, he won the PBA Jr. Columbus Central Regional tournament in October. But that individual title paled in comparison to his accomplishments with the Beavers, winners of seven tournaments, most notably a second consecutive OHSAA Division I state team title.

“That was huge because it’s so hard to do,” Shroyer said of the state win. “There are just so many good teams.”

The four-year varsity bowler won the boys individual state title one year earlier and qualified to the All-GWOC team all four years.

Beyond the lanes, Shroyer graduated with a 4.1 GPA and participated in a variety of community service projects throughout, and even prior to, his high school career.

Teammates for a single season at Beavercreek, the brothers are on the same roster again, this time at Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne. It was an easy college decision for Carson.

“When I went and practiced with the guys, it was a good fit,” Shroyer said. “There was a very natural connection.”

The school has a few other advantages, including a major in communication (sports media) and, of course, his big brother.

“He has done a lot for me,” Carson said of Brent. “And to get to the level where I could win something that he won, means so much to me.”

PBA50 rolls into town: Poelking Woodman Lanes will host the PBA50 Central Open presented by Fayette Drywall Sept. 27-29. The Jim Poelking Memorial Pro Am, benefitting Bowlers to Veterans Link, kicks off the weekend’s event on Friday night at 6:30 p.m. BVL bowling programs have raised more than $56 million to support veterans by funding recreation therapy programs.

The PBA50 Regional tournament gets underway Saturday at 1 p.m. with eight games of qualifying and the top third of the field advancing. The casher’s round and round robin match play will be contested Sunday. For information, call Poelking Woodman Lanes at 937-293-3179.

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