At UD Arena
Saturday’s Finals
Division I
Olentangy 56, Reynoldsburg 41: O: Appiah 20, Schroeder 12, Brown 10. R: Fisher 20, McKinney 11.
Division V
Lutheran East 53, Col. Academy 49: CA: Singleton 27. LE: Crumble 14, Zeigler 13, Hill 12, Harrison 10.
Division VI
Monroe Central 43, Marion Local 35: MC: Farnsworth 12, Allen 10, Howell 10. ML: Niekamp 13, Kremer 11.
Division VII
Russia 74, Cornerstone Christian 57: R: Cordonnier 22, Francis 21, Borchers 14. CC: Kwasniak 38, Davis 10.
Friday’s Finals
Division II
Westerville North 78, Massillon Perry 46: WN: Young 24, Perkins 19, Cornett 10. MP: Jacobsen 13, Wolf 11.
Division III
Louisville 63, Aiken 61: L: Aljancic 17, Siegfried 14, Andrejcik 14. A: Burnett 23, Arnold 15, Hutcherson Jr. 13.
Division IV
Maysville 74, Glenville 67: M: Nichols 36, Watson 19. G: Vickerstaff 21, Castro 18, Pritchett 10.
Saturday’s Results
Bradford 17, Coldwater 9
Brookville 15, Tri-County North 5
Carlisle 14, Franklin 4: C: Howard W, Wells 4-4.
Carlisle 10, Preble Shawnee 0: C: Holt W 12 K, Wallace 2 HR 4 RBI.
Carroll 11, Stebbins 7
Franklin 16, Preble Shawnee 6
Hamilton 6, Harrison 3
McAuley 17, Fenwick 11
Ross 3, Seton 1: R: Baker W 7 K.
St. Ursula 6, Edgewood 0
Stebbins 14, Carroll 6
Talawanda 13, Arcanum 1: T: Quinn walk-off HR.
Talawanda 10, Arcanum 9
Wilmington 6, Fairfield 2: W: Dorsch 2 HR, Martin HR, Diels W 12 K.
Tri-County North 9, Brookville 3: TCN: Daugherty W, Grieshop 3-4 4 RBI.
Troy 18, Chaminade Julienne 8
Western Brown 15, Chaminade Julienne 0
Western Brown 10, Troy 3
Boys Lacrosse
Saturday’s Results
Beavercreek 17, Fenwick 3
Centerville 18, Pickerington North 10
Friday’s Results
Lakota East 10, Loveland 6
Lakota West 10, Lebanon 9, OT
South Oldham (KY) 12, Springboro 6
Girls Lacrosse
Friday’s Results
Centerville 17, Fairfield 1
Lebanon 11, Lakota West 10: Le: Cool 6 goals, Flora 2 goals, Swartz 2 goals.
Contact Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun and Journal-News with scores and results as soon as possible after varsity high school athletic contests by email only at Please include any details from your contest that you would like published along with a contact name and phone number.