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Thomas Gnau staff image
Staff Writer
Thomas Gnau is business team lead for the Dayton Daily News, covering business and military affairs. He grew up in a U.S. Navy family, living in two countries and five states before his 16th birthday. He graduated from Chaminade-Julienne High School and Wright State University. A Kettering resident, he is married to a teacher; he and his wife have a son and two daughters.
Latest from Thomas Gnau
The American Trucking Associations projected in January that after two years of declines, truck volumes will grow 1.6%...
The latest executive order from the White House seeking to punish a law firm targets a firm with a Dayton-area...
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Law enforcement and city government leaders flew to Washington, D.C., Tuesday evening to ask lawmakers to get a handle...
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Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has created a webpage that aims to offer the latest in changes to base gates and...
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Prototype X-planes are said to have been flying for half a decade, but Friday’s announcement provided the first peek at...
A foreign limited liability company has purchased the real estate of a local Bob Evans restaurant for more than $3...
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The United States government has awarded Boeing the contract to build the new sixth-generation fighter, the F-47, a...
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A new state division dedicated to the furtherance of new forms of aviation will have a Springfield home.
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A Virginia company with Dayton-area offices has been awarded a big contract modification to advance research into...
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