We’re always on the hunt for new favorites to complement the list of common favorites, which is why we want you to vote in this year’s contest to crown our new champions.
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Here’s a look at who has won the most:
Tank’s (21 wins)
2015: Best Dive Bar
2015: Best Late-Night Grub
2016: Best Cheap Eats
2016: Best Late-Night Grub
2017: Best Late-Night Grub
2018: Best Bloody Mary
2018: Best Breakfast
2018: Best Cheap Eats
2018: Best Chili
2018: Best Dive Bar
2018: Best Grilled Cheese
2018: Best Late-Night Eats
2019-20: Best Bloody Mary
2019-20: Best Breakfast
2019-20: Best Burger
2019-20: Best Cheap Eats
2019-20: Best Chili
2019-20: Best Dive Bar
2019-20: Best Grilled Cheese
2019-20: Best Late-Night Eats
2021: Best Chili
Bunker’s Bar and Grill (16 wins)
2015: Best Bloody Mary
2015: Best Craft Beer Selection
2015: Best Trivia Night
2015: Best Wings
2015: Friendliest Staff / Best Customer Service
2016: Best Bloody Mary
2016: Best Breakfast
2016: Best Craft Beer Selection
2016: Best Place to Watch the Game
2016: Best Wings
2016: Friendliest Staff / Best Customer Service
2017: Best Place to Watch the Game
2017: Best Wings
2018: Best Trivia Night
2019-20: Best Trivia Night
2021: Best Sports Bar
Marion’s Piazza (14 wins)
2015: Best Pizza (Local or Chain)
2015: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2016: Best Pizza (Local or Chain)
2016: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2018: Best Pizza Restaurant
2018: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2018: Best Square-Cut Pizza
2019-20: Best Pizza Restaurant
2019-20: Best Restaurant for a Large Group
2019-20: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2019-20: Best Square-Cut Pizza
2021: Best Pizza Restaurant
2021: Best Restaurant for a Large Group
2021: Best Square-Cut Pizza
Dayton Art Institute (13 wins)
2017: Best Art Gallery
2017: Best Museum
2018: Best Art Gallery
2018: Best Wedding Venue
2018: Best Gala (Art Ball)
2018: Best Festival (Oktoberfest)
2019-20: Best Art Gallery
2019-20: Best Gala (Art Ball)
2019-20: Best Oktoberfest Celebration
2019-20: Best Wedding Venue
2021: Best Art Gallery
2021: Best Oktoberfest Celebration
2021: Best Festival (Oktoberfest)
Pine Club (13 wins)
Credit: Mark Fisher
Credit: Mark Fisher
2017: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2017: Best Steak (chain or local)
2018: Best Classic Restaurant
2018: Best Fine Dining
2018: Best Steak
2019-20: Best Fine Dining
2019-20: Best Old-School Restaurant
2019-20: Best Onion Rings
2019-20: Best Steak
2021: Best Fine Dining
2021: Best Old-School Restaurant
2021: Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
2021: Best Steak
Other top winners:
2nd Street Market (10 wins)
MJ’s on Jefferson (10 wins)
Mack’s Tavern (10 wins)
Dublin Pub (9 wins)
Flyboy’s Deli (9 wins)
Zombie Dogz (9 wins)
Club Masque (8 wins)
The Barrel House (8 wins)
Carillon Historical Park (7 wins)
Esther Price (7 wins)
National Museum of the United States Air Force (7 wins)
Ozu852 (7 wins)
Taqueria Mixteca (7 wins)