Beverly Peyton of Kettering, a founding member of the local chapter, said it has been an honor and privilege to be part of the group and to watch it grow into what it is today — 91 members strong.
“We have a woman who comes to every meeting and is not a mother of a military member but we often forget that because of the time and dedication she devotes to our chapter and our mission,” said the group’s third vice president, Jeannine Dennehy, who said anyone can become an associate member without paying dues.
They organization spends approximately $19,000 per year in postage and sends an average of 1560 care packages per year valued at around $40 per box. “Our holiday stockings are valued at approximate $20 per stocking and we have sent between 1,200-2,000 stockings annually,” said Dennehy.
The members get together every Saturday morning to sort donations and pack boxes and are always looking for more volunteers.
“Right now we have adopted five platoons out of Fort Drum, New York that are deployed to the Middle East,” said Dennehy. “We also support some USOs. We have a card making station at the troop center because the troops love pictures from schools or anything that reminds them of why they are doing what they are doing and also reminds them that people back home have not forgotten them and appreciate them.”
Dennehy said members are working hard to reach more of the community.
“The organization is officially chartered by Congress but too many people don’t know about it,” she said. “I was a military mom for five years before I learned about it and it has changed my life.” Her son is an active duty Army infantryman stationed at Fort Drum. “It has been a saving grace for me.”
Here’s what they need:
- Toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash (travel size), nail clippers
- Shampoo, conditioner (or a 2-in-1), body wash, lotion (no pumps), razors (at least four blades),
- Deodorant (solid), bar soap, shower scrubbies
- Foot powder, body powder, sunscreen, Chapstick, lens wipes, baby wipes (small or medium packs),
- Tissues (travel size packs)
- Beef jerky, Slim Jims, protein bars (20g protein), granola bars, trail mix (individual bags), snack
- Packages of nuts, sunflower seeds
- Oatmeal (individual serving packets), Tuna or chicken pouches, peanut butter (single serve size),
- Nutella, pop tarts
- Ravioli, mac & cheese, ramen noodles (microwaveable packages), canned fruit (small with pop tops, no plastic), popcorn (microwave), microwaveable soup
- BW3 flavored sauces (or other brands), single serve condiment packs (mayo, mustard)
- Propel drink packets, drink mixes (individual servings), hot chocolate packets, ground coffee
- Candy, Swedish fish, lifesavers, tic tacs, gum, small packs of cookies (Girl Scout Cookies good too!)
- Rice Krispies treats (indiv. wrapped), sm. packs of peanut butter crackers, Combos (small packs)
- Playing cards, crossword puzzle or sudoku books, dice
- Boot socks (black ECOSOX or Fox River brand, sizes M, L, XL), Tide pods or laundry detergent sheets (i.e. EarthBreeze), or sample packs of powdered detergent
No one is at the Troop Center during the week so the best time to drop off donations is from 9 a.m. to noon on most Saturdays. At other times there’s a tote outside for collections. If your donations are too large for the tote, you can arrange another time for someone to meet you by emailing
If you’d like to help with the cost of postage and supplies, checks can be made out to Blue Star Mothers Chapter #3, and sent to: Blue Star Mothers #3, P.O. Box 292722, Kettering, Ohio 45429
What: Open House to celebrate the Blue Star Mother’s 20th anniversary
When: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, March 9
Where: Troop Center, 6661 Clyo Road, Centerville
More info: Donations of toiletries or snacks for the troops will be appreciated. The afternoon will include a tour and refreshments.
Meredith Moss writes about Dayton-area nonprofit organizations and their specific needs. If your group has a wish list it would like to share with our readers, contact Meredith: Please include a daytime phone number and a photo that reflects your group’s mission.
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